Working Men’s Institute – Museum & Gallery
Founded in 1838, the Working Men’s Institute (WMI) is Indiana’s oldest continuously operating library.
The second floor museum preserves New Harmony’s rich history. The first floor is the library itself. Learn more about the WMI library here.
The free, 2nd floor Murphy gallery features two art collections for viewing. The older gallery displays a collection of copies of famous renaissance works that were commissioned by Dr. Murphy (1813-1900) who underwrote the building of the library itself. The paintings, in ornate gold frames, are Italian copies of well-known masterpieces that Murphy purchased between 1887 and 1895. The copyists are unknown but the names of the original painters are noted on brass plaques on the frames. The contemporary collection displays works by Stephen Pace, Jacob Maentel, and several other well-known local artists.
Hours during the pandemic – beginning July 5th:
Sunday noon-4:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday-10:00 a.m to 7 p.m.
Friday and Saturday-10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We will be closed to the public on July 4th but the Farmer’s Market will still be held on the front lawn.